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How To Define Your Target Audience In 5 Steps

The Leadership Institute

Identifying your target audience has always been a crucial step to include in your marketing pitch. Tailoring your marketing strategy according to your target audience helps you to build a strong foundation for your business.

Great content implies you focusing on your content strategy custom made for your online crowd. Having a generic wide range of audience will only cost you more time and money.

However, having a specific target audience does not automatically mean you have shunned away people who do not fit your criteria. Instead, you are creating space to focus your branding and marketing budget on a group of people who are more likely to render your service compared to others.

This way, it is more affordable and efficient to reach potential clients and generate leads.

So how exactly do you define target audience?

1. Know Your Audience

Stay closely aware of your target audience online and take notes on their needs and wants. Their preferences and online presence will give you an outline on how to build your brand and marketing strategy. Ask for reviews from your customers in order to know where you might be wrong. Success comes from satisfaction and you know you’re on the right track if your customers revisit and repeat their purchases.

2. Check what your competitors are upto

No, we’re not saying you should imitate what your competitors are doing. By noticing their site actions and methods, you will be able to know what is not working out for you and you will get better ideas on how you can develop your own strategy for your target market.

3. Analyse your Data and services

Social media analytics tools are created for you to review how you are faring in your online presence. Are people acknowledging it? Are you on the right path? Are you missing out on something? What are the modes of communication device being used and how can you optimise your content online to best suit the devices? Your social sites will help you understand all these data.

4. What’s your catchphrase?

Once you have completed the above processes, come up with your target market statement accordingly. This will narrow and attract the audience accordingly. Through the catchphrase, you will be able to picque the attention of the audience that you are targeting effortlessly.

5. Evaluate your decision from time to time and revise your methods often

Your audience would change time to time and their preferences change along with time. Being in the marketing field, you need to stay relevant and be up to date with the trends and technologies.

Once you have narrowed your target audience, it will be much easier to proceed with the rest of your content strategy. Elements like which media to focus on, what message to project, and what images would attract them, etc would simplify your thought process.

Fret not, It is completely alright to have more than one group of target audience. However, you have to ensure your target audience is not as small as 100 pax. You will not get effective results and there is no perfect balance. Therefore, try searching other sites to figure what your ideal target audience should be and how they have targeted. Be inspired by their successful methods and work on building your company’s branding.

The best way to reach your audience is by giving them what they would want. Deliver your message meticulously according to how they would want to be heard.

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