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The Leadership Institute

Six Important Facts That You Should Know About SEO

Earlier this month, we mentioned in our article that you need to pick up some Digital Marketing skills in order to excel in your field, including focusing on the SEO. If you’re completely new to Marketing, you may or may not have heard of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

- Ever wondered what is it exactly?

- Why is it so important to boost your business?

- Does it really have the value to improve a website’s existence on the net?

Now I’m not saying we are SEO experts, or we know everything about how it works. We’re also learning day by day on how we can improve our SEO.

SEO is as much about people as it is about search engines themselves. It’s about understanding what people are searching for online, the answers they are seeking, the words they’re using, and the type of content they wish to consume. It is a vital part of digital marketing that you cannot afford to miss out on.

Here are 6 reasons to give you a clearer understanding on why it holds such importance for Digital Marketing:

You need to appear on the first page of Google

Do you realise that you never go past the first page of Google each time you search for something? SEO is exactly what contributes to you being on the first page. A strong SEO avoids your page from missing out potential clicks and brand awareness, and the best part - all these are done organically.

And if you do not appear on first page you need to re-evaluate on why not. It could be low quality content, or it could appear that there are insufficient keywords that sync with what customers are looking for when they type a search query.

Website Traffic : Primary Source is Organic Search

As the name suggests, organic search is an integral part of business and the primary source of website traffic. All it takes is a good amount of time investment and patience to boost the SEO for the website. Without any cost and abundance of hardwork, you can find yourself on the top of organic search engine results.

Gain trust and Credibility

How can you get a customer to trust you and purchase your ‘product’? With today’s advanced technology, before someone proceeds to make a purchase, a thorough research is done online with the various resources given to learn and be aware of the potential. With SEO and good content marketing, you can become part of that learning process, thus gaining credibility from your consumers.

gain trust and credibility - SEO

Long-Term Strategy

When you invest a good amount of time and effort on your SEO, there’s a higher chance of your site being a commendable content-inclusive website on the internet. A full long year of processes might generate observable effects that lasts for a long while.

As the technology advances, it’s ideal to pursue the patterns and changes intently. Be that as it may, when fundamental SEO works are put into place on a genuine website with quality user experience, the webpage will improve despite not having a truckload of SEO suggestions given.

Uncover new chances with SEO

Excellent SEO will allow you to consistently discover new open doors for brands to work with and leverage on. Work with brands and offer quality SEO with enthusiasm and understanding and allow yourself to have a higher chances at becoming the brands’ stakeholders. The better a brand is comprehended, the more open doors will emerge to enable it to flourish.

Local Searches are just as important

If you’re an SME company, you’d have known by now that local search is crucial to determine a part of your success. This is all due to the ascending mobile traffic. With the ease of mobile technologies, you can determine the geographical vicinity and other specifics in order to focus on your target audience at a location. It brings you a step closer to the transaction being completed.

Search engine optimization experts do this by upgrading the brand's site and its substance, including backlinks and local listings applicable to their brand.

In order to build your brand and gain quality marketing skills, focus on actualizing solid and quality SEO for your website. You need to focus on your presence on the web in order to create a long-lasting impression on your clients and stay ahead of your competitors.

There are many more available reasons you need to build a strong SEO that are not listed here. Do feel free to share with us on your thoughts and tips.

Head on now to our courses page (click here) at our website and sign up for our WSQ Digital Marketing course and we promise you that you’ll go home with great tips on how you can build your SEO.

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